2007-2008 Expenses |
Category |
Item |
Cost |
Tuition and fees |
In-state |
$480 |
Tuition and fees |
Out-of-state |
$4,632 |
Tuition and fees |
Books and supplies |
$2,000 |
Living arrangement |
Room and board, Off Campus |
$5,700 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus |
$3,000 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus with Family |
$2,700 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, In-state |
$11,180 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, In-state |
$5,180 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, Out-of-state |
$15,332 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state |
$9,332 |
2006-2007 Expenses |
Category |
Item |
Cost |
Tuition and fees |
In-state |
$552 |
Tuition and fees |
Out-of-state |
$4,392 |
Tuition and fees |
Books and supplies |
$1,750 |
Living arrangement |
Room and board, Off Campus |
$5,650 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus |
$2,800 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus with Family |
$2,500 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, In-state |
$10,752 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, In-state |
$4,802 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, Out-of-state |
$14,592 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state |
$8,642 |
2005-2006 Expenses |
Category |
Item |
Cost |
Tuition and fees |
In-state |
$624 |
Tuition and fees |
Out-of-state |
$4,248 |
Tuition and fees |
Books and supplies |
$1,700 |
Living arrangement |
Room and board, Off Campus |
$5,500 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus |
$2,700 |
Living arrangement |
Other, Off Campus with Family |
$2,400 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, In-state |
$10,524 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, In-state |
$4,724 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus, Out-of-state |
$14,148 |
Total Expenses |
Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state |
$8,348 |